Jul 292014

For those joining us this Saturday, August 2nd for our 1st Saturday of the month Upaya Sangha of Tucson meeting, we will meet from 10:00 am to noon, and our meeting will include brief sutra chanting, participant check-in, announcements, sitting meditation (Zazen), and a brief tea break. After this, since Sensai Al Genkai Kaszniak will be away from Tucson, Sangha member Christine Johnson will lead a discussion on a practice offered by Shinzen Young, reading a piece in which Shinzen begins “It’s very common for people on a meditative or spiritual path to develop a kind of sensitivity to the poison and pain of others”. Shinzen comments that the method he is teaching for engaging negativity differs from “therapeutic approaches [in which] the goal is to get the client to the point where they can distinguish ‘what’s me’ from ‘what’s them.’”

If this is your first time to join us, we meet at Tucson Community Meditation Center (TCMC), 1231 East Edison St., one block south of Grant, just west of Mountain, on the north side of the street. We meet the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month. There are plenty of zafus (meditation cushions) and chairs.

Parking reminder: It’s important to the future of TCMC to observe mindful parking by not parking on the same block as the Center and by leaving an empty parking space in front of the homes on the neighboring blocks. Please reserve TCMC driveway parking for people who cannot walk far. Thanks!

Jul 152014

For those joining us this Saturday, July 19, for our 3rd Saturday of the month Upaya Sangha of Tucson meeting, we will meet from 10:00 am to noon. Our meeting will include brief sutra chanting, participant check-in, announcements, sitting meditation (Zazen), and a brief tea break. After this, since Sensai Al Genkai Kaszniak will be away from Tucson, sangha member Christine Johnson will lead a discussion on a section from Roshi Joan Halifax’s book Being With Dying. Christine notes that you should find the conversation engaging if: you are an even moderately accomplished control freak; you are, or expect to be, a loving companion to one who is dying; or you expect to die yourself!

If this is your first time to join us, we meet at Tucson Community Meditation Center (TCMC), 1231 East Edison St., one block south of Grant, just west of Mountain, on the north side of the street. We meet the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month. There are plenty of zafus (meditation cushions) and chairs.

Parking reminder: It’s important to the future of TCMC to observe mindful parking by not parking on the same block as the Center and by leaving an empty parking space in front of the homes on the neighboring blocks. Please reserve TCMC driveway parking for people who cannot walk far.


Jul 012014

For those joining us this Saturday, July 5, for our 1st Saturday of the month Upaya Sangha of Tucson meeting, we will meet from 10:00 am to noon, and our meeting will include brief sutra chanting, participant check-in, announcements, sitting meditation (Zazen), and a brief tea break. After this, since Sensai Al Genkai Kaszniak will be away from Tucson, sangha member Deborah Mayaan will provide a presentation on “How to stop blaming yourself and others, and shift other thought patterns, in 59 easy steps,” sharing excerpts from the book Training in Compassion: Zen Teachings on the Practice of Lojong, by Norman Fischer, former co-abbot of the San Francisco Zen Center.

If this is your first time to join us, we meet at Tucson Community Meditation Center (TCMC), 1231 East Edison St., one block south of Grant, just west of Mountain, on the north side of the street. We meet the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month. There are plenty of zafus (meditation cushions) and chairs.

Parking reminder: It’s important to the future of TCMC to observe mindful parking by not parking on the same block as the Center and by leaving an empty parking space in front of the homes on the neighboring blocks. Please reserve TCMC driveway parking for people who cannot walk far. Thanks!

Jul 012014

This retreat occurred last year so registration links in this post have been disabled.

Jack Kornfield will be in Tucson November 15-16, 2014, for a two day teaching: The Psychology of Loving Awareness: A Two-Day Training in Transforming Difficulty into Ease and Well-Being.  The teaching will be held at the Tucson JCC and registration is sponsored by Sounds True, who will be recording the event.

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