Sep 172018

Dear Friends:


On the morning of Saturday, September 29th, Upaya Sangha of Tucson will hold a Jukai ceremony at TCMC for seven candidates from our sangha who have been studying and preparing during the past year. Sensei Al’s dharma brother, Zen priest and Sensei Joshin Brian Byrnes of Upaya Zen Center in Santa Fe, will be here to serve as Kaishi (preceptor officient). Jukai is a compound Japanese word: Ju meaning “to receive” and kai meaning “the precepts.” This rite of passage marks a candidate’s formal entry into the Soto Zen tradition. During the ceremony, the seven candidates will make a public commitment to upholding the 16 Zen precepts. Each will also receive their new dharma names, signed and temple-stamped rakusu (bib-like small Zen robe) that they sewed, and their hand-written lineage charts of male and female Zen ancestors in the Soto tradition.


Sangha participants are welcome to attend and observe the Jukai ceremony. The ceremony will begin at 10:00 am. It will be preceded by a period of meditation practice, beginning at 9:00 am, ending at 9:45. Those planning on observing should please arrive at TCMC by 8:45 am, so that everyone is seated by the start of meditation practice at 9:00 am. Please let Sensei Al know if you will attend, so that adequate cushions and chairs can be set up..


If you plan on attending, please plan on wearing modest and preferably dark clothing: Samue or lay robes are appropriate if you own them, but definitely not required.


After the ceremony, the Kligman family will generously provide “finger-food” luncheon at TCMC. Please let Sensei Al  know if you will be able to stay for the food, so that he can give an accurate count to the Kligmans.


Following the ceremony and luncheon, we will hold our regular fifth Saturday Zazenkai (meditation practice intensive) from 1:00 to 4:00 pm, led by Sensei Al. Brief orientation and instruction will be provided by Sensei at the start, so please plan on being at your chair or cushion promptly by 1:00 pm. You need not attend the Jukai ceremony in order to participate in the Zazenkai.


We will hold the Jukai ceremony and Zazenkai at Tucson Community Meditation Center (TCMC), 1231 E. Edison St., one block south of Grant, just west of Mountain, on the north side of the street. There are plenty of zafus (meditation cushions) and chairs.


Parking reminder: It’s important to the future of TCMC to observe mindful parking by not parking on the same block as the Center and by leaving an empty parking space in front of the homes on the neighboring blocks. Please reserve TCMC driveway parking for people who cannot walk far.


Please help us to accommodate our members who are chemically sensitive to fragrances or other scented products. Thank you for not wearing perfume, aftershave, or similar products.


For those with chemical sensitivities: Please note that some incense will be offered as part of the morning Jukai ceremony.


Also, please don’t forget to regularly check the Community Page of this Sangha Website for new announcements.


Thanks, and warmest regards.

Sep 102018

Dear friends,


For those joining us this Saturday, September 15th, for our 3rd Saturday of the month Upaya Sangha of Tucson meeting, we will meet from 10:00 am to noon, and our meeting will include brief sutra chanting, sitting meditation (Zazen), participant check-in, announcements, and a brief tea break. After this, Sensei Al will offer a dharma talk entitled “Attentional Bias, Equanimity, and Freedom.”


If this is your first time to join us, we meet at Tucson Community Meditation Center (TCMC), 1231 E. Edison St., one block south of Grant, just west of Mountain, on the north side of the street. We meet the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of each month. There are plenty of zafus (meditation cushions) and chairs.


Parking reminder: It’s important to the future of TCMC to observe mindful parking by not parking on the same block as the Center and by leaving an empty parking space in front of the homes on the neighboring blocks. Please reserve TCMC driveway parking for people who cannot walk far.


Please help us to accommodate our members who are chemically sensitive to fragrances or other scented products. Thank you for not wearing perfume, aftershave, or similar products.


Also, please don’t forget to regularly check the Community Page of this Sangha Website for new announcements.

